Wednesday, June 09, 2010

iPhone dev Stupidity 127: How Three20 works

1. Create TTThumbesViewController via URL: "tt:\\phototest2"

2. When is the TTURLMap setuped?

3. And mapped to class

  [map from:@"*" toViewController:[TTWebController class]];

  [map from:@"tt://catalog" toViewController:[CatalogController class]];

  [map from:@"tt://photoTest1" toViewController:[PhotoTest1Controller class]];

  [map from:@"tt://photoTest2" toViewController:[PhotoTest2Controller class]];

4. How TTThumbsView get created?

5. URL protocol

The URL "protocol" for the bundled files is bundle:// 
while the one for the files in the documents directory is documents://

6. A Tutorial on How to create a photo browser using Three20

Most of the code is just copied from the TTCatalog sample code.

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