iPhone Talk 1
1. Sample code for App Store style table
2. - (UIImage *)stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth:(NSInteger)leftCapWidth topCapHeight:(NSInteger)topCapHeight
3. User generated content must rated as 17+
4. error 101 usually means low memory warning
5. XCode 3.2 -> Settings -> General -> Accessiblity Inspetor: for UI debug
7. Social networking/Forum need to provide Apple a functional account for review
8. tableView:titleForDeleteConfirmationButtonForRowAtIndexPath:
Changes the default title of the delete-confirmation button.
Make sure the title is not too long to cover the table cell content - If it's SDK's bug, do not count on it.
9. If using system icon lead to user confusion, do NOT use it
READ the HIG word by word.
10. Serch Bar:
1) tableHeaderView as a searchBar
2) delegate
11. Clear Release Note:
- which screen, what changes
- if not sure, release as "bug fix"
12. Q/A:
1) localization: use less IB. Take care of label length.
2) Cocoa cookbook: non offical API - on your own risk
3) Ad hoc deploy: iTunes will change .app -> .ipa to send. (Packing may change the app code sign)
4) Use UIDevice to get the SDK version number.
Talk 2 : iPhone Data Managment
1. SQLite
1) Sample code: SQLiteBooks
2) copy sqlite.db from resource to writable folder (Document) - for safty.
3) Shrink the db file size: sqlite > vacuum
4) Document folder is resevered when upgrade
5) >50MB file, copy failed
. - (BOOL)createSymbolicLinkAtPath:(NSString *)path pathContent:(NSString *)otherPath
. seperate db fields - leave big & read only one in resouce, only copy the small & editable fields to document folder.
6) Design schema with consideration for upgrade
. keep version in db
. sql script to choose different db via version.
2. XML
. API via http
3. Ordered as: idea, marketing, tech.
Talk 3: SQLite & Core Data
1. Browser: sqlitebrowser.sourceforge.net
2. Multi-platform use SQLite
3. Core Data on logic level; and optimized for caching, lazy-loading and memory management; KVO/KVC; undo/redo.
Talk 4: Three 20 Kit
1. New message/mail
2. Styled fonts
3. Activity labels/progress bar
- screen lock styled label - glowing effect
4. Launcher
1. Style: like CSS
2. using 'next' to combine different styles
3. URL: can point to res, view controller
- "bundle://..."
- "documents://..."
Talk 5: Core Animation
Talk 6: Multi Touch
1. Use 2 fingers touch to drag canvas
2. Multi touch levels: 1 -> 2 -> 3 increase
3. app:
. SmartChoice
. OthelloCube
Talk 7: iFighter
1. Lite before non-free version: get feedback for final version. iFighter used 1.5 month.
2. Promc code for promotion
3. Tips:
- old topic but be the best
- monkey -> hardcore: adapt to users of different levels
- great service to keep users
- only make the great product -> from product to brand
- share the success
4. Q/A:
. 3 peoples to make iFighter
. personal product to company product - refund if users have difficult to transfer
. why don't ship paied version when lite version is asending
. self made game engine
. made in home
. peer review, defining the great
. the product finishs where you stop working it
. price -> confidence in the product: check the sales chart.
. ccgamebox 2d engine
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